
Clint's Little Slice of Hell

Ouch! What a title!

For any true aficionado of sports injuries, this one just may take the cake. On March 22 1989, Clint Malarchuk was in goal for the Buffalo Sabres, who were playing the St. Louis Blues. On a breakaway, Blues right winger Steve Tuttle collided with Sabres defenseman Uwe Krupp in front of the goal. As a result of the collision, Tuttle went down -- and on the way, his skate blade snuck up under Malarchuk's neck guard and sliced his jugular vein. Cameras broadcasting the game cut away as soon as the extent of Malarchuk's injury became apparent (most likely it was the large amount of blood pooling on the ice), and in good time -- several players on the ice lost their dinners at the sight, and a few fans did the same, and two heart attacks were reported.

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